Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The "First Time Voters Project"... a campaign designed to spur young Philippino's to register to vote, is mobilizing for the upcoming election:

Different organizations from schools and communities in Metro Manila today relaunches in a music-caravan the “First Time Voters Project Registration Campaign”. Young people ages 17-21 years old, in their motorcycles and cars with loud music, hop around university areas to inform fellow first time voters of the ongoing registration and the need for young people to be active in the coming elections.

I've often heard that young Philippino activists are incredibly tech savvy, organizing protests via text message, for example.

It would also appear that they struggle with similarly restrictive voter registration policies as we have here in the U.S. In fact, they organized a big campaign and won some significant improvements in the registration laws, according to the group's blog.

Read more about it here.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Rappers raise money for schools:

A group of Bay Area rappers have banded together to create a single to generate revenue to donate to local schools, for educational materials and canceled programs.

"Stay in School" is presented by Beats By the Bay and a collective of rappers known as the Bay Area Rappers Care (B.A.R.C.) coalition.

Read the rest of the story at

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Student debt alert

Want to do more than join our Facebook Group to demand action on college affordability? The Youth Policy Action Center has some tools you can use for organizing and advocacy, like letter writing and calls. Check it out.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Facebook campaign on college affordability

On Thursday, January 11, a national coalition of youth groups and activists will rally Congress to take action on the rising cost of college.

We want you to show support for this effort by joining the Facebook group, “01-11-07: Make College Affordable”.

We’ll announce how many members we have at the press conference and use this group to illustrate the strong support for tackling college affordability!

Check out our Facebook group here. Spread the word--invite your friends.
Rock the Vote Blog