Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The "First Time Voters Project"... a campaign designed to spur young Philippino's to register to vote, is mobilizing for the upcoming election:

Different organizations from schools and communities in Metro Manila today relaunches in a music-caravan the “First Time Voters Project Registration Campaign”. Young people ages 17-21 years old, in their motorcycles and cars with loud music, hop around university areas to inform fellow first time voters of the ongoing registration and the need for young people to be active in the coming elections.

I've often heard that young Philippino activists are incredibly tech savvy, organizing protests via text message, for example.

It would also appear that they struggle with similarly restrictive voter registration policies as we have here in the U.S. In fact, they organized a big campaign and won some significant improvements in the registration laws, according to the group's blog.

Read more about it here.


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