Friday, January 05, 2007

Facebook campaign on college affordability

On Thursday, January 11, a national coalition of youth groups and activists will rally Congress to take action on the rising cost of college.

We want you to show support for this effort by joining the Facebook group, “01-11-07: Make College Affordable”.

We’ll announce how many members we have at the press conference and use this group to illustrate the strong support for tackling college affordability!

Check out our Facebook group here. Spread the word--invite your friends.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have to say I was a bit shocked this evening to see my newsreader blinking to tell me that RTV had a new post, Hans, especially considering all of the news worthy items your blog has passed on these last couple of months. After reading this entry I'm left with one important question before I feel compelled to sign my name to a facebook group:

What plans, actions or legislative efforts are you and this group advocating that will ensure lower college costs? I only ask, because signing one's name to a group that simply states they want lower college tuition without offering a solution seems a bit empty.

Care to share how we're going to make college affordable?

1:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the tail waging the dog or what?
I dont remember these issues during the election, it seems like MTV
is jumping on nancy's agenda and making the young and foolish think
it was their idea and congress is working for them.

So you are going to march on washinton and demand something they told you last month they were going to do?
How empowering!

7:25 PM  
Blogger Hans Riemer said...

If you go to the Facebook page, there are links to a webpage with lots of information about the agenda that our coalition supports. Check it out..

Regarding the other comment, this is an issue we've been working on for a long time and it was a major part of the election. We got behind the 50% cut in student loan rates a year ago and we're glad to see the Democrats moving it forward in this new Congress. The last Congress raised the student loan interest rate, taking thousands from the pockets of students who borrow to pay for school.

05 GT

1:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Although a facebook group won't push legislation through congress, it is still a great start to this problem. If you want to raise awareness for an issue, especially among students, there is probably no better place then a popular internet site.

Matt Slamowitz

9:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The creation of a Facebook group for the Rock the Vote organization is another example of how the internet is effecting campaigns and elections. In this case, hopefully it will help to mobilize the youth vote by making them realize that there are political issues that effect them.

9:27 PM  

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