Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Student debt alert

Want to do more than join our Facebook Group to demand action on college affordability? The Youth Policy Action Center has some tools you can use for organizing and advocacy, like letter writing and calls. Check it out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the tail waging the dog or what?
I dont remember these issues during the election, it seems like MTV
is jumping on nancy's agenda and making the young and foolish think
it was their idea and congress is working for them.

So you are going to march on washinton and demand something they told you last month they were going to do?
How empowering!

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember these issues being brought up. The Democrats have moved quickly to pass their 100 hours agenda and that agenda was widely touted throughout the campaign. Part of the agenda was lowering the cost of student loans. The last congress did jacksquat for my generation and they got kicked to the curb like they deserve.

Its nice to know, though, that you think that we are all so young and foolish. Calling us names is no way to win us back.

Enjoy being in the minority.

12:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the problem is that all the good jobs are either going to India or going to an Indian replacement worker on H1B visa

12:38 AM  
Blogger host said...

i think the problem is that education costs too much in the united states

greetings from vienna,

- Colorfull Layouts

4:29 PM  

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