Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Millions of People to Empower

Here's a hello from our newest Marketing Intern, Madeline Peters:
This week begins what is anticipated to be the best summer of my life while I live in the nation's capital and intern with Rock the Vote! I am so excited about the opportunity to help the efforts of an organization that I think rocks (had to use the pun). I wanted to work with RTV because I have always admired the work they have done and only dreamed that I could be a force to help them accomplish the goal of registering over 2,000,000 voters. Now my dreams are coming true and I am excited to be around people that share an interest and passion to ignite youth to be the impact that we will be.

I come to D.C. from Baton Rouge, La. where I go to Louisiana State University (Geaux Tigers!). In the fall I will enter my junior year to continue working toward a degree in political communications from the incredible Manship School of Mass Communications and a business minor. However, I call the beautiful beaches and hospitable people of Pensacola, Fla. home.

I am pumped about the privilege I have to vote in my first presidential election in November.
I think our generation continues to learn the honor and impact of voting. I think it is so cool that voting only takes a short amount of time to shape and can empower millions. There are millions of people to empower and I am excited to be here and help make it happen.
She's got some big dreams for the summer. We're excited to have Madeline on our team.

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