Monday, July 07, 2008

Be You

[Ed.'s note-- this post is part of a Rock the Trail series on how music inspires political activism.]

BE YOU DESPITE THE DRAMA is the kind of attitude hip-hop artist Nas has embraced and the kind of attitude that has allowed me to voice my political concerns.

When my fellow Rock the Trail reporters asked whether or not I considered myself a political person, I didn’t hesitate to say no. They then asked me to discuss issues that I am really concerned about. When I ran through my list of high concerns - racial profiling, gang violence, the economy- I was proven that I was wrong; I AM POLITICAL!

Most of my peers have allowed the “hype” of certain political issues to define politics. They're tired of hype and they've tuned out. But politics aren't just about war, health care, and who is running for president. Politics cover all the issues that affect your well-being as a citizen of the United States-- issues that Nas points out through his music.

Nas is one of very few entertainers that sparked a political fire in me. His songs speak truth about issues America doesn’t talk about. He gives a voice to the powerless and he puts issues out there for us to grasp, educate ourselves and make a change.

To me, Nas will be remembered as an historical figure who sought change in America through rap. Yeah, that may be a very extreme or bold statement, but it’s my personal opinion. An opinion that has led me to confirm that I can voice how I feel and encourage you to do the same: despite the drama, be you.

-- DeNishia Yearby
Rock the Trail Reporter

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