Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gen Y's Jobless Aren't Crying in Their Martinis, They're Networking Online

You probably know someone that's recently lost a job. Or maybe you're the one looking for work. Either way, you should check out New American Media's article "Gen Y's Jobless Aren't Crying in Their Martinis, They're Networking Online," and read about some of the ways other young people are coping with the unemployment crisis.

Those looking to network, find job hunting tips, and develop new skills should check out LaidOffCamp:
LaidOffCamp is modeled on the successful, web-organized "BarCamp," which organizes meetings where attendees present information to each other. At LaidOffCamp, those interested in presenting will be asked to write their topic on a white board and attendees will decide which topics should be presented -- from how to live on a budget to how to brand yourself. The purpose, Hutchins says, is "for community members to help steer each other in the right direction -- whether that direction is looking for a new job, starting a company, finding freelance work or becoming independent consultants."
If you're looking to find a little humor in your situation, check out Unemploymentality:
The blog, which receives about 1,000 hits a day, has evolved into an "unemployment survival guide" for the young and savvy unemployed. Some pieces are farcical, such as Henion's "The Baller's Guide to Recession Dating," and "I've been laid off - five responses and your rebuttal," which advise jobless readers on how to maneuver through social situations while still holding their head up high. In another article, "Men: Taking Layoffs Like a Girl," Khadder takes a jab at a New York Times article about how unemployment hurts men's egos more than women's; she argues that women take it better because they are more used to being slighted.

And these are just a few examples of young people making the best out of a fairly awful situation. Despite everything that's been happening, we're still making the most out of it.

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