Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What You Need to Know: 02.11.09

Agreement in Congress Appears Near on Stimulus
"Congressional negotiators appeared on Wednesday to be near an agreement on an economic stimulus plan of just under $800 billion, and the pace of the talks suggested that the final legislation could be passed by the Senate and House and on President Obama’s desk by the end of the week."

Top bankers face grilling by dubious Congress
"Eight leaders of the nation’s top banks were facing a grilling from Congress Wednesday, meeting with deep skepticism from lawmakers who quizzed them aggressively about how they have used more than $160 billion in taxpayers’ money.

Speaking at the onset of a House Financial Services Committee hearing Wednesday morning, Rep. Barney Frank challenged the banking industry to work harder to fix a failing system, saying there is “a great deal of anger” across the country."

Regulator Calls for Lenders to Stop Foreclosures
"The Office of Thrift Supervision today called for the mortgage lenders it regulates to halt foreclosures until the Obama administration unveils a program to help struggling homeowners.

After presenting a plan to boost the financial sector yesterday, Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said that a $50 billion initiative to help homeowners facing foreclosure is not expected for at least a week. The delay and the price tag -- it was the low end of expectations -- disappointed consumer advocates and lawmakers anticipating the announcement."

In Israeli Vote, the Winner Is Gridlock
"Israelis awoke Wednesday to find that their parliamentary elections had not yielded a new government but political gridlock instead and the prospect of weeks of wrangling and dealmaking before the country’s direction becomes clear.

With 99 percent of the vote counted, the center-left Kadima Party of Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni held a one-seat lead over the rightist Likud Party of Benjamin Netanyahu, 28 to 27 out of a total of 120 seats in Parliament. But the total gain of all parties on the right far outweighed those of the left, leading Mr. Netanyahu and his supporters to demand that he be given first crack at forming the next government."



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