Friday, October 29, 2004

The Rule of Thirds

3 major candidates…
3 days before election day…
3 things to sharpen up your political savvy…

New poll numbers show unpredictable youth vote breaks towards Kerry
The latest numbers from the
Zogby/Reuters poll show young people breaking towards Kerry, but only slightly. And the Washington Post/ABC News daily tracking poll concurs with these numbers on the18-30 set:

Kerry: 52%
Bush: 45%
Nader: 1%

The youth vote traditionally breaks late, which means we can be a bit indecisive about things. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but we’re just trying to say: nothing’s written in stone. Plus, Nader, a very likely deciding factor in this election just as he was in the last, is losing support among young people as Election Day nears…

Lost Explosives
For the fourth day in a row,
the lost explosives of al Qa Qaa has been a major campaign talking point. The Pentagon said in a press conference today, that the loss was minimal -- only one-one-thousandth of the amount of munitions captured and destroyed during and after the invasion of Iraq. Kerry, on the other hand, says missing bombs, which can be used to trigger a nuclear device, symbolizes the Bush administration’s failure to keep the lid on Iraq. With the election just over the horizon, this issue is sure to fire up both campaigns as they make their last lap sprint to the finish line.

And finally…
We just wanted to astound you with this little tid-bit: “More than 143 million Americans will be on the voting rolls by Election Day,”
a new report says. There is a massive voter turnout drive going down in Ohio. And in California, they’re expecting hordes of people to head to the polls, upwards of 73%! And if you don’t know where to vote, just go to You can find out there.

So it’s Friday. We’re gonna be holed up in here, watching the news and digging around for more stories. But go out this weekend. Do it for us. Hang out with your friends. Chew the fat. Shoot the shi*t. Tell your friends you’re voting. Not because anybody told you to. But because you’re doing it for yourselves. On Tuesday, it’s up to you.


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