Tuesday, November 02, 2004

señor: tales of voter suppression

It's just past noon on the east coast and already we've been seeing some crazy stories of political operatives trying to intimidate students from voting with false or misleading information.

In Pennsylvania, a flyer is being circulated that threatens students with loss of financial aid if they are from out of state. Totally false. Totally screwed up.

"Dorm residents at both schools reported that a doctored version of an Associated Press news article left the impression that out-of-state students voting in Pennsylvania could be forced to repay state grants because of a residency controversy."

Read more about it here.

In New Hampshire, it's a similar story. The local Republican party has printed a flyer that uses tidbits of information from the NH Secretary of State to paint a broad and misleading picture about what happens if you register to vote in NH (you can still register there on election day---its a beautiful thing and it should be in place every where).

Take a lesson from this my friends.

You still have to fight for the right to vote.

Email us at the blog team with any tips or stories! We’ll publish.

If you want to report any problems at the polls, call 1-866-MYVOTE1. Tell them you are calling from Rock the Vote.

If you have a problem that you need legal help to resolve, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE.


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