Thursday, November 04, 2004

cheers! to the new future of american politics!

"Both parties should be seeing their future in the eyes of young voters," concludes David King, the associate director of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. After outlining a clear argument that young voters did in fact turnout at the polls -- that it was the highest turnout percentage since 1972, at least 20.9 million Americans under 30 voted on November 2nd (4.6 million more than in 2000) and young people were especially active in battleground states -- King says that, if anything, we learned a lot about the future of American politics. He adds: "Most college students no longer fit neatly along a liberal to conservative continuum [according to the Harvard Institute of Politics]."

It's going to take some time to figure that out. We're looking forward to the challenge.


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