Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Here's a dispatch...

...from Alex in Madison, Wisconsin, probably our most successful street team member ever who has managed to register nearly 50,000 new voters on the ground...

"The polls and the streets have been full of young people today. Hundreds of
young adults lined the streets in madison and milwaukee waiting in long
lines for the chance to cast their ballots. Walking the lines at the polling
place at UWM this afternoon I saw kids of all races and all different social
groups interacting with each other talking excitedly about voting. Two
girls, around 18 years old were hugging each other and congratulating the
other for voting for the first time, one was wearing a Kerry sticker and the
other a Bush sticker. This election, who kids around campus are calling ³The
Hip Election² is uniting youth in all parties and drawing them together
under the common want of a massive youth turnout. From the long lines
outside the polls to the talk on the streets and on Wisconsin campuses, 20
million loud are well on their way to representing the youth of America."


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