Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Turning Out in Droves

For all you news-watchers, blog-readers, and political-junkies we begin with the meta-analytical breakdown on the youth vote story. But don’t worry; we’ve got the hard news waiting for you at the end of the tunnel, so hang in there.

The youth vote story appears to be splitting in two directions. One is that the youth vote didn’t show up. The other is that the youth vote DID show up.

Ok, we were kidding earlier about the story going in two directions. The correct story is number 2 – because the youth vote turned out, and turned out big. But that didn’t stop a few naysayers from rushing to print with stories to dismiss all of your efforts. We’re lookin’ in your direction there,
Siobhan. And feel free to miss this article as well.

As for the REAL story - the numbers are still coming in, but right now we know that young voters surged at the polls, even significantly exceeding their 1992 turnout spike. You’ve turned out with enthusiasm and gusto, and we at Rock the Vote are proud of you. As for how you voted, it looks like more young people ended up breaking towards Senator Kerry over President Bush at 54/44 percent nationally, and more so in the battleground states.

Head to
CIRCLE’s site for the earliest hard data.

We applaud the youth vote for showing up and making your voice heard. Read your own story. At
CNN. The Washington Post. In New Jersey. In Iowa.

All over the country.
-Aaron Coles


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