Tuesday, November 02, 2004

election day horror stories

...everyone's got one. we hear about voter suppression, voter intimidation, and voter fraud. but voter b.o.? here's a quick anecdote from (state of states!) new jersey.

Rolling Out Of Bed

"While driving my daughter and her friend to a 7 am wind ensemble rehearsal, it occurred to me that it was probably the ideal time to beat the crowds at the polls. It then occurred to me that I was unshowered, unshaven, untoothbrushed and wearing sleep pants with shoes and no socks. What to do, what to do? Would the seniors running the polls talk about me? What if I assault a neighbor with my morning breath? What if my poker buddies knew I had Spider-Man sleep pants??? Oh, well, this is the Home of the Brave, so in I went. No problem! The place was empty, the seniors unfazed. I wonder if I could get away with this at work? Could mean an extra hour of sleep every day..."
-- Rick from Branchburg



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