Thursday, November 03, 2005

Time to get mad: The Washington Post today editorializes against a proposed change in student loan finances that will cost you money. Their mis-placed priorities for the Federal budget are now coming home to roost in our pocket books:

The Senate is likely to vote today on a budget reconciliation measure in which the largest source of "savings" by far comes from the student loan program. The authors of that measure, which the House will tackle next week, say that money comes from cuts in subsidies to lenders. Read the fine print, though, and it seems that, in fact, the "savings" come from increased revenue. And that revenue comes from students, who will be paying higher interest rates to generate it.

So, they are putting the squeeze on students to pay for Iraq, Katrina, and tax cuts?

You can do something about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why did a non partisan person like yourself single out katrina, Iraq and tax cuts? Are you against helping the victims of Katrina, my school actually is hosting several STUDENTS that were effected. Are you against supporting our troops and giving them the equipment they need so that millions of young people in iraq can live freely? And are you against tax cuts that create a healthy economy that employs students and recent graduates?

Why not single out welfare, the national endowment for the humanities, and the national park service?

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post Anonymous! Clearly Hans has a leftist agenda contrary to the bi-partisan view RTV claims to provide. What I would add:

1. Since the tax breaks, tax revenue for the Govt has increased (I don't see that as a bad thing).

2. I agree to some extent with Hans on Katrina. I don't believe disaster relief should be federalized. That should be handled at the state level and is a missappropriation of federal tax dollars.

What RTV should be pushing for is a balanced budget amendment to restrict Govt. spending to what they collect. Wouldn't that be nice.

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it ok when someone chooses to drive a car (legally), being required to have a photo ID (driver’s license) is not asking too much? Why is it ok when a person wants to enter a night club, being required to have a photo ID for proof of age is not asking too much? Also, why is it ok when a person wants to purchase an alcoholic beverage, being required to have a photo ID for proof of age is not asking too much?... Why then is it to much to ask of a person to show proof of ID when they are affecting the elections of the leaders of this GREAT country???? Remember, our forefathers and mother fought and died for us to be able to vote in free elections. so if they can do that, then WE ALL can at least be willing to take a small amount of time out of our very comfortable lives and attain a photo ID so that one legal person, one vote is what we get out of OUR elections.

Serving Soldier

I serve so you, yours and mine can all freely and responsibly enjoy this great country that so many have given so much for, for us to enjoy!

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I apologize for the message listed above being in this Blog window. I was replying to another issue and lost my internet connection. Later, after a very tiring duty day, I was able to get back online and wanted to view any replies that I may have received. I click on the wrong Blog window and did not see my reply so without checking where I was, I resubmitted it. So, I apologize for the above reply’s location, but not for my reply’s message!

Serving Soldier

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well AS a VICTIM of Hurricane Katrina, please allow me to spin my thoughts. The cost of this massive storm well exceeds any funds alotted by the federal government and/or made thru state revenue. About 152 billion dollars. We still have no stores open. We still have no homes. We have FEMA trailers, which is nice. We were given electricity about one month after the storm. With no stores left standing, no banks left either. Combined it was kind a little hard to store any food or cold water if there had been a grocery store to go buy it, a refridgerator to store it in, or a bank open to get the money to go buy it. Yes, If it weren't for the federal government, red cross, and the millions of Americans that came to our need. We would have died a slow, wet, moldy, hot, smelly (thanks to all the corpses and rotten food) DEATH!!!! I do not believe targeting the already poor students that are trying to earn a living and better themselves to find the money. There are many people that have plenty of money that could be targeted for tax inccreases. Welfare is needed in this country - a lot of college people including myself have been on welfare to help provide for my two children - considering George Bush would rather start wars and give tax breaks to the rich - than to implement a living wage for the rest of us. However, now that we are in this STUPID war - and until this contry comes to the agreement that Bush lied and needs to be out of office so that someone else can correct his STUPID mistakes - I do believe in taking care of the soldiers that have been misplaced in a countrry that we have no business being in. What ever happened to finding Bin Laden - or does anyone remember who he is? What ever happened to democracy? Or is this just one more thing misplaced by this administration.

12:15 AM  

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