Monday, November 07, 2005

We love you, too!

This note came in to our website and we thought we'd share.

To Whom it May Concern,

I'm sure the marketing alias isn't the right place to send this but it was the first email alias listed. Let me begin by saying, I'm not the kind of person to write feedback email. I've got to be pretty darn appreciative to make the effort, but the hard working folks at Rock the Vote deserve it.

I won't give you my resume, but I went to one of the top colleges in the nation and work for a very prestigious corporation. I consider myself to be a pretty smart cookie. Nonetheless, I am totally clueless when it comes to finding voter information. Your organization helped me to register to vote when I lived in New York during the last presidential election, but I have to admit that I had forgotten all about you guys right afterwards. I recently moved to California and did the responsible thing and registered to vote when I got my California drivers license. I've been bombarded with political advertisements for California's special election next week. The commercials have been so slanted that I didn't feel I had a good handle on both sides of the issues, so I went online in search of information, I listened to snippets on NPR on the issues, and I looked through the local newspaper. In total, I probably spent a good 4 hours looking for an unbiased, well put together source that clearly lays out all of the issues. And ya know what? I couldn't find anything!!! I was starting to get really pessimistic and decided that if I wasn't smart enough to read up on the facts I probably should only vote on the issues I understood and just wing the rest. But this decision made me feel really guilty. And then, today, comes your email from Rock the Vote. So I went to your site, and there it was, the holy grail of voter information, clearly laid out and easy to read with multiple links and detailed information. All I have to say is THANK YOU! This is exactly what I was looking for and I am going to encourage everyone I know to go to your site and educate themselves on the upcoming election. I think Rock the Vote is a fantastic organization and I wish you nothing but the best. Thank you again for all of your hard work!

[Name withheld to protect privacy]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that the search for unbiased information is increasingly difficult these days. Unfortunately, this site is extrememly biased. Since you went to a good school and work for a prestigious company, I would hope you could see through the blantant slant on this site. Its very liberal and no doubt will not agree with whatever Arnold has on the ballot out in CA.
Once again, my expectations of higher education are lowered.

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That letter leaves my utterly speechless. Unbiased information is nearly impossible to get as most have an agenda these days. If you are coming to RTV for your "Unbiased" info I wold suggest also trying the ACLU and or Howard Dean.

Pray to God that your boss at this prestigious company does not read this site.

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Hans wrote that letter.

12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RTV's self-esteem must be at an all-time low to publish self-love letters to make themselves feel better.

RTV increasingly irrelevant and a laughingstock

3:18 PM  

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