Monday, July 30, 2007

Have You Watched Your Daily Dose of YouTube Yet?

A new Pew Internet and American Life Project survey reports that 19% of all internet users watch video clips online daily, while 57% watch video online at least occasionally. Not surprisingly, those aged 18-29 are "among the most voracious video viewers," with approximately 31% of them viewing online video daily. Additionally, on any given day, young adult internet users "are equally as likely to view news and comedy" videos, though the popular clips from the Daily Show or the Colbert Report blur the lines between the two. It appears that the Baltimore Sun, which re-christened the Millennials "the YouTube Generation," wasn't too off base. Given this new research which validates the popularity of user-generated online video as well as the success of the YouTube/CNN debates, it'll be very interesting to see how online video blends with politics in the future.

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