Monday, July 30, 2007

Say Yes! to Michigan

For many years, Michigan has been home to many great American traditions: Mackinac Island fudge, our auto industry, and musical greats Eminem & Sufjan Stevens, just to name a few. But, as of July 25th, it was also home to a State House of Representatives that passed legislation that would allow Michigan residents to have a voter registration address separate from their permanent address. This change would give transient students in particular the opportunity to register to vote in a city where they attend school without having to change their Michigan place of residence or their driver's license address. If the legislation is passed by the Michigan State Senate, it would repeal Public Act 118, known as Rogers's Law, which was passed in 1999 and requires voters to register to vote with their permanent addresses. State Rep. Rebekah Warren (D-Ann Arbor) states that "it's so important to engage young voters as soon as we can," and, if the bill makes it out alive, it will do just that.

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Blogger Unknown said...

I am glad Michigan has been progressive in the movement to involve younger people in voting. Hopefully students realize this, use their voice wisely and actually vote. What people at rock the vote need to do is not only get people to vote, but send them messages about why they should vote. (There must be something really good about it if people worked so long and so hard to get the right do it.)

Once young people realize what social and political issues affect or may affect their lives in the future they may be more apt to vote.

A lot of times people think that their voice or vote won't make a difference, but when over 45% of the voting population says that (results from the election of 2004) Americans may soon lose their right to vote as we know it.

9:25 PM  

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