Tuesday, June 03, 2008

McCain v. Obama

The General Election is here. We've got presumptive Republican and Democratic nominees -- Senator John McCain and Senator Barack Obama.

It's time for us make sure that the candidates address the issues most critical to young voters, and we need to act quickly. I'm sending a letter to McCain and Obama with Rock the Vote's 2008 Young Voter Platform. Can you join me in speaking out for the 44 million young voters of America and co-sign the letter?



P.S. Be sure to send this to your friends as well. We want as many names as possible when we present this to the candidates.


Blogger SoCalSilentWriter said...

I am 46, a "child of Vietnam", a writer, mother of five, living in Los Angeles. I have never voted in my life; alongside hundreds of thousands in my generation. For the "hope" that has now been given a chance to our Country, and at the urging of my college kids, I will now vote for the FIRST time. And in all of a mere 24 hours, my mail list alone has at least 200 others agreeing to do the same. To finally see hope for a better world for the younger generation and beyond, I have now only felt it an honor to vote & believe we can campaign to reach my generation of "never-voters" old beliefs. (Trust. this "hippie at heart" is no pushover either!) So to my daughter at ASU, for you and your generation, Mom is on board and bringing others with me as I thank YOU for showing ME the hope I've never seen. HEY young people, inspire your parents ~ you can too, bring my generation to your future of CHANGE. PLEASE help break this barrier of my generation and you have SO many more on the team of change for hope !!! Many of us love our children "too hard". If it be, USE this to open our hard-headed minds!

6:52 PM  
Blogger Fox said...

Why do we need to MAKE them look at our issues? They are aware of them but they don't care. You can get them to say whatever, but they'll still do what they really want to do.

Do the right thing. Look at 3rd party candidates and write them in if you agree with them. I know I'll be writing Ron Paul in this November.

8:02 PM  
Blogger one step ahead said...

have anyone heard of headcount?

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So we don't want a republican in office again and americans want real change well I think we should all just vote for Nader... Forget democrate and republican all together and bring a real change to the government.

5:41 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm personally disgusted with the popular candidates this election year. I couldn't honestly vote for anyone, given the abysmal likelihood of having anyone decent installed as president.

If we want real change, it won't be top down, but bottom up. I'm sticking to the grassroots until "real change" has actually occurred.

9:26 PM  

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