Thursday, June 05, 2008

Stand Up for Voting Rights

Our friends at the League of Young Voters Education Fund are taking a stand for voting rights. Here's an excerpt of an email I just got from them - take a look and take action to protect our right to vote:
"We need to take a stand and demand that our representatives -- all across the country -- respect everyone's fundamental right to vote!

"...We just narrowly averted two of these disastrous laws in Missouri and Kansas, but they've been proposed in Pennsylvania and other places. Some bills require an original copy of a birth certificate for first-time voters. Others require a driver's license with a current address. And the list goes on like that. Think about how many people -- people who have every right to vote -- don't have those documents sitting around!

"It's this simple: every step that makes voting harder means that more people won't get to vote...We need to show them that we're watching, we're angry, and it's not going down like that. As a first step, sign onto to our open letter to legislators around the country, opposing voter suppression and misleading voter ID legislation.

"Stand up against voter suppression now:

"Get your friends too. The other side has money, but we've got people. And together we need to defend everyone's right to vote."
You can check out more about Missouri, Kansas, and other voting rights action here on our blog, and check back for regular updates.

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