Sunday, June 08, 2008

Taking Issue During This Election

A gorgeous scene I captured of the Red Sea in Eilat, Israel

Having returned from a sojourn to the Middle East a few days ago, one issue has been on my mind and conveniently this week has become an issue at the forefront of the race: the Israeli peace process. Every day while divided by ideologies and politics, both Israelis and Palestinians wait for peace. Both candidates Barack Obama and John McCain are making great efforts to present themselves as hard on terrorism and allies of Israel. Even President Bush made his first trip to Israel just before I arrived last month.

It is an issue that I will be paying very close attention to as this race continues, along with the environment, the economy, the job market, and college tuition. Our next leader will be deciding how to handle (or ignore) these issues that I have personal investments in, and so while I may not be able to decide or have a huge say in how these situations will be addressed, my vote will definitely count this year in appointing who will be the best leader to address the issues that are important to me, such as the Israeli peace process.

How do Israelis feel about this year's American election? While most of their daily news consists of the violence and loss of life they encounter on a day to day basis, they pay close attention to which political leader will be the President of their most prominent foreign ally. They hope for continued aid and support from our next president.

And so do I.

The ideologies of each candidate on these issues will decide my vote. What issues this election are important to you?


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