Friday, October 29, 2004

Counting Sheep. Counting Votes.

What keeps Rock the Vote up at night?

1 thing: Thoughts that young people will be the no-shows on November 2nd.

Election Day turnout among the youth vote declined by 13% since 1972, the year 18-21 year olds first got the right to vote. It only jumped up once in 1992, electing Bill Clinton in the process.

Curtis Gans, director of the Committee for the Study of the American Electorate, has been one of the bigger nay-sayers for the youth vote. He’s sort of like the grand poo bah of voting analysis. And whenever youth voting types predicted a rise in turnout, Gans was there to throw on a wet blanket. Curses! He was generally right, too.
But the man’s finally come around.

Now Gans says between 12 million and 15 million new voters are likely to turn out for this election. What changed his mind? Well, Gans says,
"What we have this year compared to other years is motivation."


So, yeah….please, please, please vote.


That’s all.


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