Monday, November 01, 2004

Pollster are catching up with the youth vote...

This weekend, former Democratic candidate Howard Dean’s campaign manager Joe Trippi weighs in on the significance of the Rock the Vote Mobile political poll results. “Finally,” says Trippi, “someone has done a SMS Text Messaging poll of cell phone users between the ages of 18 and 29.”

The poll shows us what others could not: the opinions of people who primarily use a cell phone. He goes on:

“Pollsters are using old turn-out models for younger voters, and are failing to see the increased intensity among these voters, and therefore are likely to be surprised on Tuesday night. It is now becoming increasingly clear to me that if John Kerry wins on Tuesday it will be due to an unprecedented turnout among younger voters.”

Young people are generating a lot of heat as a major deciding factor in the last day before Election Day. Could they tip the balance on Nov. 2nd??


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