Monday, November 01, 2004

Big Three T-minus 1

What a weekend. Lost weapons. Osama. Now it’s one last day before Bush and Kerry have a chance to persuade voters to join them. Most polls call it a dead heat. Which candidate will be beat? We’re gonna keep this Big Three short and sweet.

#1) new polls are showing the youth vote as the major deciding factor for election day...

“Bush led Kerry 48-47 percent in
the latest Reuters/Zogby three-day national tracking poll on Monday, well within the margin of error. However, Kerry was favored by young voters—those between the ages of 18 and 29—by 64 percent to 35 percent, but the size of the turnout in that voting bloc is one of the biggest unknowns of Tuesday’s election.”

#2) and since we’re losing sleep over turnout, this has got us happy as mongoose: expect
high voter turnout tomorrow. Make sure your friends are voting. Drag 'em to the polls. Stalk them if you have to. Make it a party.

#3) …and since we last reported proclamations of 'motivation' (!) among young people, we’d like to share reports of
passion sweeping the swing states. It’s never been like this before. At least not in Rock the Vote’s lifetime. So get out there on Election Day and ride the wave of political excitement that hasn't been this hot since Jimi Hendrix wailed at Woodstock.


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