Saturday, October 30, 2004

"Nobody can mess with my attitude but me!"

…That's what we heard from 62 year old Cheryle, who used the Rock the Vote website for all of her registration and election needs…

From her p.o.v.:

"I was able, thanks to your site, to vote for the first time in about 5-6 years.

"I felt this year, this particular vote, is one of if not the mostimportant elections I will ever vote in. So I do thank you for theservice you have in your site... to educate people about voting andthe methods we can vote.

"As soon as I got my Absentee Voter's Ballot I marked it and followedthe rather complicated instructions for someone with Alzheimer's andMAILED MY VOTE IN ABOUT A WEEK AGO !!!!!

"I was ever so proud to be able to vote once again, largely thanks toyour site Rock The Vote !!!!!!! Thank you for helping me be a part ofthe election process once again. You can be sure I'll vote this wayevery election from now on....... as long as I'm able. I have twoterminal diseases and am almost totally shut in. I'm glad to be ableto at least be a part of things to this extent.

"Thank you for helping a 62 year young lady feel a part of a very importantelection."

Rock the Vote has gotten lots of letters, love and hate, over the past year. But this is by far the best letter we've ever received…to know you've made a difference by making it easier for someone to vote, something we're all entitled to do, is such an amazing feeling. We're sure you'll know exactly what we're talking about when you're inside that voting booth come November 2nd.


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