Monday, June 09, 2008

The General Election is Here

What a long, strange trip this has been.

Over the weekend, Senator Hillary Clinton endorsed Senator Barack Obama, signalling the end of the Democratic primary.

Today, we want to take a moment to congratulate Senator Clinton and her team on a well-executed run. Whatever path Senator Clinton may travel next, we wish her only the best and hope she will continue to fight for social justice, economic equality and continue her lifelong commitment to equal access to health care.

Our congratulations also go out to Senator Obama and his staff. We applaud the Senator's commitment to progressive causes, and his campaign's efforts to energize and mobilize young Americans.

If the Democratic primary contests taught us anything, it is the importance of young voters. Our turnout increased by more than 100% in many states. That's unprecedented. And believe us, it's only the beginning.

Youth across America have sent a clear message: if you want us to stand with you and your party in November, then you will need to stand with us now.

We here at Rock the Vote are ready for the next phase of this historic adventure.

We could not be more excited with the current field of candidates, and look forward to engaging Senator Obama and Senator McCain on the issues that young people care about most: the economy, the war, and health care.

Our polling has shown that most young Americans (you!) have favorable impressions of both candidates, and we look forward to helping you learn more about each candidate, each major party's platform, and your rights as a young voter.

We will never tell you who to vote for - we only ask that you vote.

Now more than ever we want you to stay tuned and spread the word.

It's a long road to November, but we're just warming up.

We're ready to Rock the Vote. Are you?

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