Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Young Voters in Colorado

I heard this great story from Stephanie South in Colorado, and I wanted to pass it on:
Two days ago, I had a conversation with a friend about politics. He sat me down and inquired as to whether I voted Republican or Democrat. Upon receiving my answer, he nodded, took note, and went on to tell me that he was a Democrat. He wants Barack Obama to be our next president and feels as though an African American would be a good change of face for America. I told him I had no qualms about putting an African American in office. I was more concerned whether the man—or woman for that matter—regardless of race or color, could do the job. He agreed with me, judged my answer as acceptable, and went on to inform me on about how Colorado will be a swing state in this election.

My friend is eleven years old and about to enter middle school.

There is no question youth voters are showing up the polls in larger numbers, but I find there are many previous-generation skeptics who doubt the Millennial Generation’s ability to change our nation. My grandparents all maintain today’s America is in the worst state it has ever been. Our money does not have value. We are losing freedoms with every passing minute. The government has too much control. While all of this is up for debate, there is now no question in my mind about the role my generation is to play and the state we will leave America in. If there are eleven year olds not only talking politics but actually educating themselves on the subject, imagine how many eighteen year olds there are who are doing the same and then getting the opportunity to speak up. The question is not if we will make America a better place, but rather when will people begin to recognize what we are capable of.

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