Friday, August 29, 2008

NEWS: John McCain Selects Running Mate

Many of us had guessed who we thought Senator John McCain's running mate could be. Names thrown out were: Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, and Joe Lieberman. But whoa were we wrong, and a new name emerged today at 11:00 am EST.

Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska

So what should people know about her? A relatively unknown political figure at the age of 44, Governor Sarah Palin is now the youngest person listed on the presidential ticket for the November elections and she is the second woman to ever run on a major party ticket. In addition, she was the youngest person, and the first woman, to be elected governor in the state of Alaska.

With five children of her own, including her eldest son who is a new voter at the age of 19, we hope that she will focus on issues that matter to the young voter movement. Through this she can inspire youth to get involved and focus on the issues that matter to them. Congratulations Governor Palin!

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Young Veterans

Carolyn Schapper, a Veteran Spokeswoman for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, served in Iraq from October 2005 to September 2006 with the Georgia National Guard. Schapper currently lives in Washington, DC and is a member of the Virginia National Guard.

When I went to Iraq I was the ripe age of 32, my college days were long behind me and I found myself surrounded by, what I considered at the time, to be “kids.” These kids, as I viewed them, have made up 1,049,398 military personnel between the ages of 17-29 who have served in Iraq and/or Afghanistan. I know my view of my younger fellow service-members was likely seen as condescending at the time, but it has certainly altered after a year in Iraq and since.

At first I felt nothing but sorry for the soldiers whose peers were in college. How could this possibly be the life they had chosen? How could there be so many young people-- that have traveled so little and/or had so few life experiences-- that actually serve in Iraq? What a shocker to their worldview. How could they possibly die today or tomorrow without having actually lived a life yet?

It is not fair that the youngest tend to be the ones that most often die. I do not have figures but I check the casualty list regularly and I think it would be fair to say that 18-24 year olds are the majority of losses. Part of me, the older female side, wanted to take care of them, but that was not a reality. After all, regardless of age, as soldiers we were all peers in the war zone. We all saw the same terrible things, felt the same fear and wrestled with emotions we had never experienced before. Everyone grows up when they are in a war zone.

I am now sorry that so many young people had to grow up so fast and to become hardened to life long before the majority of the other 99% of the population who have never served do. I wish I could give them innocence in the place of the injustices and complexities they have faced in war. However, I do not hear them asking for the innocence; what I hear are young soldiers who are disgusted by the apathy and ignorance of those who have not had their experiences.

They are young soldiers who have moved beyond the academics of learning and have lived life and not just read about it. Yet, they still have their unbridled youth and the confusion of thoughts and feelings that are so innate within that age group, so many are now trying to find out where they now fit in into this complex world. Some do this through blogging and political action. And some, most importantly through education, this is where they have surpassed their peers. They can now become the more powerful student in school, they can draw more meaning from what they are taught and they can help transform an academic lesson into reality in the classroom with their life experience. ’

Aside from academics, Iraq and Afghanistan have created more politically active service members because they want to feel they can help create and participate in the political environment that will shape their military future. Iraq and Afghanistan have given rise to so many voices that are asking for change; for the military, for the Department of Veterans Affairs and for the basic rights of service-members. And this generation needs to do it for themselves. We can learn a lot from the Vietnam Veterans who paved the path for advocating for veterans issues and we must thank them for this, however, ultimately the fight is our own.

The needs we have today, such as mandatory mental health screenings and more mental health professionals in the VA, need to be fought for those who need the services when they come home from the current wars and are best fought by those who understand the issues their peers face. This is why it is so important for young veterans to get involved politically, even if it is just to vote, because they can influence how they and their buddies will be treated for years to come. Their military experiences give them an insight that so few others can understand and a rare authority regarding the ramifications of war. Such insight and authority can have a powerful impact on politics and that opportunity should not be wasted.

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11.04.08, originally uploaded by Rock the Vote 2008.

On 11.04.08, we the young people of America will decide our future.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

IAVA event with Michelle Obama

This morning Michelle Obama joined Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America to talk about the importance of caring for returning veterans.

1,049,398 17-29 yr olds have served in Iraq or Afghanistan. Of those that return, many struggle with finding jobs, going to college, and finding adequate health care.

IAVA hosted the event this morning in Denver, and will be bringing the same issues to the RNCC next week in St. Paul. Other guests included Iraq veteran Tammy Duckworth, Jeannie Ritter, and Jill Biden.

Young voters say time and time again that their top issues in this election are the job market, health care and the war in Iraq. Rock the Vote is glad that organizations like IAVA are getting all of these issues on the table.

Candice Michelle

Candice Michelle, originally uploaded by Rock the Vote 2008.

Earlier today, Candice Michelle of WWE Smackdown registered to vote and took up 13.3-- the millions of young Americans without health insurance.


1,049,398, originally uploaded by Rock the Vote 2008.

1,049,398 17-29 year olds have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It is young men and women who are fighting these wars. It is young wives and husbands; young sisters and brothers.

This is about our future; our lives. We are speaking out and demanding change.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


100_0500, originally uploaded by Rock the Vote 2008.

13.3 million young Americans are without health insurance, making us the largest group of uninsured people in this country.

Health care matters to young voters.

Ballot Bash

"If all of you are here cuz you want to Rock the Vote, I can't understand why ya'll aren't standing up!"

led the crowd last night, getting everyone dancing in the aisles to Everyone Nose. They came on after a melodic performance by Jakob Dylan-- Bob's son, and former Wallflower lead singer. Closing up was Fall Out Boy, with an energetic finale.

Denver won't forget this concert for a long time to come. We put it together with the help of hundreds of young volunteers and staffers, and showed the DNCC the true power of youth organizing.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

More from the 81.6 tag team

I couldn’t help but get a little nervous when they started handing out staple guns tape and black t-shirts. I’ve seen heist movies before and most have a scene like this in them.

Later, when the map of downtown Denver was unfurled on the carpet, I knew I was in for an interesting night.

In the cover of night, three teams of Rock the Vote staffers hit the streets with posters and a plan. On the poster was the number 81.6 in big white font that represent the 81.6% of registered young voters that voted in ‘04. The plan, well the plan was for Denver to wake up to a chalk 81.6 colored onto every street corner and posters on every telephone pole.

On the dark streets of downtown Denver, under the stars and neon bar awnings, we postered our hearts out. We put the signs up in front of all the major hotels all the major gathering areas and as close as we could get to the convention center. Cars and people on foot stopped to ask us about these black signs with big white numbers on them. We told them to text DENVER to RTVOTE to find out more. We posted so many posters I'm gonna hear the sound of the sticky part of tape ripping from the smooth side in my sleep… if I get any sleep.

I have to say I felt like some kind of poster posting Batman. Though I'm sure Batman would not caught dead in the purple flannel I was wearing. In any case I can’t wait to do it again, another night another number…keep an eye out.

-- from Rock the Trail reporter Donny Lumpkins

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100_0491, originally uploaded by Rock the Vote 2008.

In 2004, 81.6% of registered 18-29 yr olds turned out to vote.

Find out more:

text DENVER to RTVOTE (788683)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

College Affordability at the DNCC

[Ed.'s note-- this piece is part of a series on youth perspectives on the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. Daniel Harwell is a Elon University student attending the DNCC with The Washington Center.]

As the week of the Democratic National Convention approaches, we are hearing a lot about foreign policy, the economy, and high gas prices but where are the issues that are facing the youth? Let's face it… Barack would not be the nominee without the hard work of a lot of youth-- plus their votes. In the past the youth vote has been ignored, but this year has to be different.

If Obama and the Democratic party-- or McCain and the Republican party-- remain silent during the convention about youth issues, especially the high cost of a college education, then they can say goodbye to a lot of important races this year.

You might be asking, why the cost of college education? There are certainly a plethora of youth issues that either candidate could hit on from health care to the environment, but if you look at high college tuition in a broader picture things become more interesting. Sure, high tuition prices is an issue we all know about, but what if you think about it in terms of the economy?

What if a candidate were to create a program for more financial and merit based aid and then tied that program into their economic policy? They could jumpstart the economy and kill two birds with one stone. Certainly you would hear college students across the country rejoice, but as part of a larger economic package a college affordability program might hit home with parents too. This year is the turning point where the youth vote will become essential, so the candidates must hit on our issues.

--Daniel Harwell
Elon University '11

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NEWS: Obama picks Joe Biden as Running Mate

Today Senator Barack Obama named Senator Joe Biden as his running mate in this year's presidential race. This is HUGE news for young people everywhere.

How is the the Senator from Delaware being named as the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee HUGE news for young people? Is it because Biden is the Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations? Probably not. Is it because he was born in Scranton, PA-- the setting for the hit show The Office? Maybe for some, but not for us here at Rock the Vote. Is it because at 30 years old (in 1973) he is the youngest person EVER elected to the U.S. Senate? YES!

Rock the Vote hopes that Joe Biden's rise to the Senate at 30 years old and now his run for Vice President of the United States inspires young people all over the country to get involved and run for office. Rock on Joe and congrats!

-- Guest Post by Michelle Mayorga

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sheryl Crow Rocks the Vote

From the AP:
Sheryl Crow is giving away free music — a tactic she calls the "Tupperware" party approach to inspiring young people to vote.

The Grammy Award-winning singer announced a plan Wednesday to give a digital copy of her album "Detours" to the first 50,000 people who register three friends to vote.
Sheryl Crow spoke more about this opportunity on Good Morning America. Here are the details. Register 3 friends. Win one album. It's simple. Get started today so you can be one of the first 50,000.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Limited Edition RTV Prints from Shepard Fairie

Have you seen Shepard Fairie's Rock the Vote posters?

For a limited time, you can buy a framed and signed print.

“I wanted to make art for Rock the Vote because I feel that many young people need to be reminded that voting is a direct and powerful way to express their opinions and shape policy,” says Fairie. “Rock the Vote reaches out to younger voters who often have progressive views, but fail to turn up at the polls. I wanted to do anything I could to help Rock the Vote encourage a powerful group of potential voters to participate in democracy."

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Young Voters on TV

Okay, maybe that's not exactly big news, since we do make up the entire prime-time lineup on the CW. But the NY Times reported yesterday on the rise in coverage of the youth vote on cable and network news.
"With polls showing a surge in primary-season ballots cast by voters under 30, media outlets are out to convert the newly energized voters into viewers. On cable news, CNN promotes a “League of First Time Voters” and the Fox News Channel is covering what it calls the Y Factor with a full-time correspondent. On broadcast, NBC has assigned Luke Russert, the son of the late anchor Tim Russert, to the youth vote beat and ABC, CBS and PBS are all running stories by student journalists."
We might not be watching the nightly news-- with the exception of the Daily Show-- but we're making headlines.

And once we hit our goal of 2 million new young voters this election season, we'll be network regulars.

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

DemROCKracy winners

Over the past month, more than 3,000 bands have been competing to register the most voters on their MySpace profiles.

Now we're down to the top three bands.

Jackie V-- an 18 yr old pianist from Austin, TX
Mae-- an indie rock band from Virginia Beach
OTEP-- a metal/electronic artist from Los Angeles, CA

Vote for your favorite artist here, and you might see your band at Ballot Bash!

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Word from Our Field Department

This just in from Mary McClelland, on the road in southern California:

What do you get when you combine live WWE wrestling, Venice Beach and Rock
the Vote? Only one of the most successful on-site voter registration
efforts we've had yet this campaign. With our partner Smackdown Your Vote!,
at Summerfest in Los Angeles, we registered 277 new voters while kicking it
on the beach and watching some wrestling. Fun is an understatement.


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Monday, August 11, 2008

Sticky Rice Party

This Saturday, Rock the Vote and Sticky Rice teamed up to put on a successful fundraiser in DC. DJ Shawn Traylor performed, playing a great set of songs that kept all of our guests dancing and having a great time well into the night.

Thanks to Shawn and Phil for helping to put together a great event! Keep your eyes pealed for more fun fundraising events in your area.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Featured Artist: Hawthorne Heights

Hawthorne Heights is registering voters this summer. They're on the Projekt Revolution tour with Linkin Park and are stopping in Mountain View, CA this Saturday. We checked in with drummer Eron Bucciarelli to find out why Hawthorne Heights is so committed to voter registration:
We're involved with Rock The Vote because voting is the single most important thing you can do as a citizen of our country. Helping to get more people involved in that process is part of our duty as fellow citizens.

We're in the midst of the most crucial election of our lifetime. There are dozens of huge issues on the table that will have an everlasting impact on the way you and I lead our lives. Whatever your passion is, whatever your cause is, whatever your beliefs are, educate yourself on the issues and make your voice heard this November by casting your vote!

Whatever the outcome of this election, I would like to see our country relieve its dependence on foreign oil within the next four to eight years by developing renewable energy which will create jobs that can never be exported and will ultimately lead to our economy being stronger and more stable.

You can check out their music on our Featured Artist site, or check them out in concert.

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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Rock the Vote Nights

Rock the Vote Nights took over the Hard Rock Hotel in Chicago this weekend during Lollapalooza. Our friends Mark Ronson, Sam Ronson, Lindsay Lohan, Katy Perry & Travis McCoy, Kenna, Spank Rock, and Amanda Blank all came out to the hottest after party on Saturday night. Samantha Ronson opened the night with Lindsay on stage with her, followed by a performance by Spank Rock leading into an incredible set by Mark Ronson who ended the night with everyone on stage dancing along to “Testify.” People ate hot dogs and corn dogs in the VIP lounge and headed down to the lobby where Fonzworth Bentley kindly posed for photos with fans. Special thanks are due to our friends Bruce and Brian at BMF Media for making this an incredible weekend for Rock the Vote.

More thanks are due to Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings and Danny Masterson (DJ Mom Jeans) for coming out on Friday night, and Chromeo and Phantom Planet for ending our weekend in Chicago Sunday night.

During the day Rock the Vote was all over the place, registering people at the festival with Headcount, doing registration at the Diesel Store and recording PSAs at the Music Lounge. Pete Wentz recorded his Rock the Vote PSA and posed for photos with his wife Ashlee Simpson. The Cool Kids, Rhymefest, Kenna, Your Vegas, Butch Walker among many other friends of RTV recorded PSAs. Artists got free meals and watched Rock the Vote artists Ben Jelen and Trevor Menear and many other artist perform acoustic sets at the Eastsport Café. Paper Magazine filmed interviews with Kid Sister and Spank Rock in the lounge, and Go TV was out in the field doing interviews for Rock the Vote at the festival.

This weekend also marked the start of the Rock the Vote/ AT&T Mobile tour where our branded truck parked near Lollapalooza and around Chicago. People can come on the truck and record a PSA and register to vote.

Rock the Vote had a busy weekend all together, registering people at Rock The Bells in Miami, Projekt Revolution in Florida and Georgia and a special in-store with Armor For Sleep at Tilly’s in Tampa. And lastly to top off a great weekend, thank you to the Flobots who hit the 9:30 Club in DC and invited all the Rock the Vote staff and interns to come to the show.

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Monday, August 04, 2008

Rocking Lollapalooza

Hot summer weather doesn't hold us back. This weekend, Rock the Vote staffer Michelle Mayorga was at Lollapalooza with AT&T, kicking off the Rock the Vote Mobile Tour.

What did she have to say about her experiences?
What could be better? I saw Spank Rock live, registered young voters and kicked off a bus tour that will be passing through Detroit, Denver, Minneapolis and more.
There's only a few weeks left to register to vote. Check back soon to see if the Rock the Vote mobile tour will be coming to you!

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Friday, August 01, 2008

Paris Hilton, Ludacris and Your Campaign Update

Just a few more weeks until the conventions, and Current TV's campaign update is back with their take on the presidential race:

Watch on for new rhymes from Luda, new gossip on Paris Hilton, and of course no substantial policy updates.

But no worries, the conventions are happening this month, which means substantial discussion is coming up soon.

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Rock the Vote Blog